How to Analyze Employee Engagement Survey Results

Interpret Survey Data and Implement Meaningful Change

Before communicating employee survey results with your organization, it’s important to take the time to understand, analyze, and interpret those results. It is time to make sense of that data and identify what matters most.

Quantitative Data:

Look at the results as a whole:

Reviewing the survey results as a complete set allows you to identify overarching trends and patterns. For instance, if overall engagement scores have decreased compared to external benchmarks, it suggests a need for further investigation into underlying factors.

Identify drivers of engagement:

By analyzing statistical data, you can pinpoint which survey items have the strongest impact on overall engagement. For example, if responses to questions related to communication from senior leaders consistently correlate with higher engagement scores, it indicates the importance of effective leadership communication.

Data segmentation:

Utilizing demographics such as age, tenure, or departmental affiliation allows you to analyze engagement data across different employee groups. For instance, comparing engagement scores between different age groups may reveal variations in preferences or needs.

Identify gaps:

Analyzing variations in scores between staff, supervisors, and senior leaders helps identify potential blind spots in leadership or organizational processes. For instance, if there is a significant disparity in engagement scores between frontline employees and their immediate supervisors, it suggests a need for a closer examination of leadership practices at that level.

Dig Deeper:

Root cause analysis:

Conducting a root cause analysis helps uncover underlying factors contributing to low or high engagement levels. For example, examining communication channels or leadership practices may reveal areas for improvement.

Qualitative Data to determine WHY:

Analyze feedback: Combining quantitative survey data with qualitative insights from open-ended responses provides a comprehensive understanding of employee perspectives. For instance, identifying recurring themes in employee comments about work-life balance challenges can highlight areas for improvement.

Identify priorities:

Prioritizing actionable insights derived from both quantitative and qualitative data ensures focus on high-impact areas. For example, if feedback consistently highlights the need for clearer career development paths, it becomes a priority for action.

Action Plan:

Translate findings into actionable insights:

Collaborating with HR and senior leaders to translate survey findings into concrete recommendations ensures alignment with organizational goals. For example, recommending regular town hall meetings to improve communication channels based on survey results.

Define actions for improvement:

Identifying specific initiatives, such as leadership training programs or revised communication strategies, ensures targeted efforts to address areas of concern.

Communicate changes:

Communicating proposed changes to teams fosters employee buy-in and engagement. For example, send out regular updates via company newsletters. Review changes in team meetings. Use a change-tracker for employees to check in and see what’s happening, who’s in charge, and progress.

Track changes over time:

Consistent survey usage:

Using the same survey provider over time allows for tracking engagement trends and evaluating the effectiveness of implemented changes. For instance, comparing engagement scores from consecutive years provides insights into the impact of interventions.

Identify improvement areas:

Monitoring consistent or inconsistent improvements across different survey cycles helps identify areas needing further attention. For example, if scores in communication-related items consistently improve while scores in work-life balance remain stagnant, it signals the need for targeted interventions.

Seek feedback and adjust:

Soliciting feedback from employees on implemented changes allows for continuous improvement. For example, conduct focus groups or pulse surveys to gather employee perspectives on the effectiveness of new communication initiatives.

Employee Engagement Survey Solutions

CustomInsight’s flagship product – Focal ORG – is an online software tool (SaaS). It includes a Dashboard, an intuitive online analysis tool offering deep insights into organizational dynamics.

Built on a research-based model of staff performance, it assesses key areas like culture of commitment, strategic alignment, and manager competency, all of which significantly influence employee engagement.

Moreover, leveraging artificial intelligence, the Dashboard pinpoints top organizational priorities, mimicking expert analysis. All insights are derived directly from feedback obtained through the survey results.

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson

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